Global Criteria: The 12 Core Functions of the Substance Abuse Counselor – 8th Edition Paperback – January 1, 2021


Global Criteria The 12 Core Functions of the Substance Abuse Counselor (Seventh Edition) Paperback
by John W. Herdman, Ph.D., LADC

SKU: 12CF-Book Category: Tags: , ,


This Eighth Edition returns to teaching the 12 Core Functions of the Substance Abuse Counselor. The 12 Core Functions are the activities that substance abuse counselors do in their practice of counseling. This Eighth Edition continues to include instructor lesson plans and student quizzes. It is designed to assist instructors in preparing students seeking certification as alcohol and other drug abuse counselors. Performing the 12 Core Functions competently is necessary, important, and critical for the protection of the public, individual clients, and counselors.

Global Criteria: The 12 Core Functions of a Substance Abuse Counselor: Eighth Edition is valued by both professors in counselor training programs and clinical supervisors in treatment programs. Not only do the chapters have lesson plans for instructors, but include quizzes with answers in Appendix A and Sample Forms in Appendix B.

ISBN13: 978-0-9768341-8-2

Additional information

Weight .562 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 9 × .5 in